An Innovative Changemaker.
We are empowering information and communication technology to improve the quality of social, health and education through developing sustainable social innovations.
What We Do
Edukasi 101 or PT Edukasi Satu Nol Satu is a social enterprise focused on social, health and education issues. Established in 2013, with the ultimate goal of “Improving Social, Health and Education Quality”. Edukasi 101 is currently working in many locations in Indonesia by empowering information and communication technology to improve the quality of social, health and education through developing sustainable social innovations. What we do is closely related to efforts to achieve the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) as the 2030 Global Agenda within the framework of the Multi Stakeholder Partnership.
Education Technologies
Deliver cost-effective education technology solution to improve learning outcomes and increase organization's productivity.
Development Program
Help international and national donor and profit company design and implement their impacted and sustainable development program and Corporate Social Responsibility activities.
Tailored Training
Provide customized/tailored training for human capital and continous professional development, through face to face, blended and online learning.
Research and Studies
Conduct quantitative and qualitative research and studies on education, training and other social field.
Publish the results of studies, research, lessons learned, guides and other publication products related to education and other sectors.
Our Clients
Why Work With Us
Better Program Planning
Monitoring & Evaluation.
Using the latest approaches and methods of planning, monitoring, evaluation and learning to ensure the quality of program planning and implementation.
Incorporating The Use of Technology to Deliver Effective Impact
Using the advantages, convenience and flexibility of the use of Information and Communication Technologies to accelerate the impact of effective programs as added value.
Create Human Centered and Sustainable Program and Solution
Using the Human-Centered Design (HCD) approach in solving problems when formulating, designing and developing effective solutions. By unlocking the user’s perspective, designers can build solutions that work well and work widely in our new reality—whatever that ultimately looks like. By using this approach, the resulting solution will be more impactful and have a high sustainability aspect.
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Di era digital saat ini, kemampuan berpikir komputasional atau computational thinking (CT) menjadi salah satu keterampilan penting yang harus dikuasai…
Banyaknya sampah di sekitar lingkungan tempat tinggal merupakan masalah bersama yang sangat membutuhkan kepedulian dari masyarakat untuk memikirkan penyelesaiannya. Warga…
Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (TPB) atau Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) merupakan suatu rencana aksi global yang disepakati oleh para pemimpin dunia,…
Pemberlakukan pembelajaran di rumah karena pandemi Covid-19 di Tahun 2020 ini menyebabkan sekolah-sekolah di Indonesia dan dunia harus melaksanakan pembelajaran…
Sejak beberapa bulan diluncurkan, Kelase Live Lecture sebagai fitur pembelajaran sinkronus untuk pelaksanaan pembelajaran online live dari Kelase telah mengalami…
Semenjak diberlakukannya kegiatan belajar dari rumah oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Dinas Pendidikan di Indonesia untuk mengantisipasi meluasnya wabah pandemi Covid-19/Corona,…
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Sebagai layanan platform pembelajaran online berbasis website yang didedikasikan untuk lembaga pendidikan formal dan non-formal, Kelase mewadahi dan memudahkan seluruh…
Para siswa-siswa SD Negeri Batulicin 01 Tanah Bumbu Kalimantan Selatan dan SDN Inpres Polder Merauke Papua berkolaborasi untuk membuat sebuah…
Pada Tahun 2017 – 2018 Edukasi101 menerima hibah dari Microsoft Affordable Access Initiative untuk melaksanakan program digitalisasi sekolah. Dalam program…
Pada Tahun 2017 – 2018 Edukasi101 menerima hibah dari Microsoft Affordable Access Initiative untuk melaksanakan program digitalisasi sekolah. Dalam program…
Video testimoni tentang program INOVASI untuk Anak Sekolah Indonesia yang dapat meningkatkan tingkat literasi dan numerasi siswa sekolah dasar di…
Video dampak program LINUMERATIF (Literasi dan Numerasi Inovatif) yang dijalankan INOVASI untuk Anak Sekolah Indonesia bersama Edukasi101 di Nusa Tenggara…