Edukasi 101 and INOVASI Share Teacher Success in West Sumbawa

In September 2018, INOVASI commenced 27 grant-funded pilots, with 18 new grant partners. This grants initiative is a key part of our approach to expanding and strengthening engagement with Indonesia’s non-governmental education sector. One of these grant partners is Edukasi 101, working to strengthen early grade literacy and numeracy in West Sumbawa and Sumbawa, INOVASI partner districts in West Nusa Tenggara province.

As the INOVASI and Edukasi 101 grant pilot comes to a close in NTB, efforts have been underway to share the results of the pilot and disseminate successful approaches to improved teaching and learning.

Late last month, a number of schools from West Sumbawa participated in the LINUMERATIF (Literasi Numerasi Inovatif) pilot program exhibition event  held at the SMAN 1 Taliwang Hall in West Sumbawa. Teachers and principals from 15 partner schools attended, and the event aimed to publicize pilot achievements and express appreciation to teachers, principals, supervisors and parents who were involved.

In his opening speech at the event, Vice Regent of West Sumbawa, Fud Syaifuddin, ST, said that the world of education in West Sumbawa district depends on what teachers do, because it is an investment for the future.

“This LINUMERATIF pilot work is really very useful for the progress of the world of education, especially in West Sumbawa,” he said.

Brimy Laksmana, Edukasi 101 Managing Director, said proudly that the LINUMERATIF program is a literacy movement that supports the central government’s literacy goals, and is being spread nationally.

“Edukasi 101 is tailored to the learning patterns of students,” he explained.

Future targets for Edukasi 101, said Brimy, include the effective implementation of key learning approaches aligned with Curriculum 2013.

“We believe that to improve the quality of education, the learning process between teachers and students must be improved,” he explained.

Martini, a partner teacher from Sapugara primary school in Brang Rea sub-district, is one such teacher helping to improve the learning process. After participating in the Edukasi 101 training, Martini’s classroom now has a much richer variety of learning aids for literacy teaching. She proudly presented these at last month’s event.

“The title of this event is beyond my expectations. We can develop and become very useful for other teachers. But I do not want to be complacent, I and the other teachers want to continue to explore their potential.”

In addition to showcasing teacher promising practices and results from partner schools, the event also featured an educator talk show called ‘The Role of School Collaboration with the Classroom in Support of the School Literacy Movement”.

The SIMETRIK (Sistem Informasi Asesmen Literasi dan Numerasi Berbasis Kinerja) application was also launched, as part of the LINUMERATIF pilot program teaching tools. SIMETRIK, an application developed by Edukasi101, is an information system designed to support literacy and numeracy assessment processes in Indonesian schools. The app also helps to facilitate monitoring and assessment of student literacy and numeracy performance, at the school, regional and national level.

Through the use of SIMETRIK, it is hoped that schools and education offices can quickly and effectively conduct assessments and process the results of the assessments, using data to inform policy making and decision making in education.

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